Why Jailbreak iPhone Intro

I've been heavily hooked on smartphones ever since I got my first one many years ago. I've always tried to do new cool things on my devices and keep up with the new software and tweaks being released. For a long while I was reluctant to even try an Apple iPhone. I was very much stuck in the Windows Mobile scene, good ole XDA Developers.

One day, sometime in April 2009, my buddy presented me with a device that would forever change my views with smart phones, an iPhone 2G. At a first use this beauty was way faster, more responsive, intuitive, and stable then my current AT&T Tilt. I quickly became very attached to Apple's iPhone OS. However coming from the Windows Mobile platform I quickly ran into a wall. How do I fully customize this phone like I could with my old phones? Where is my file explorer? Where is my task manager? Why don't programs run in the background? Don't get me wrong iTunes has a lot to offer in terms of applications for the iPhone but nothing related to tweaks or customization.

This led me to look into what I heard Apple had hated soo much, jailbreaking. Not being part of the scene I didn't know exactly what a jailbreak really was. Only one way to find out right? After jailbreaking my iPhone I quickly found out all the benefits of the iPhone Jailbreak. A jailbroken iPhone relies solely on one App, Cydia. Cydia is basically an Appstore for all the apps, tweaks, and customization that Apple will not approve for their Appstore. More to come.....


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